Learn How to Breakthrough to Your Customers

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Who do you understand better, your business or your customers?

It feels like every week, every month, every year, your company finds itself battling the same problem: you aren’t reaching your marketing and sales goals. You have a website, social media assets, even some billboards; however, nothing seems to be working. You have leads trickling in, but you often find that they’re unqualified, or you just can’t seem to close the lead.

When you interact with prospects, you find that they’re confused about what exactly your business does, and even your staff can’t seem to come up with a clear answer. This has led to your team feeling anxious and tense around marketing conversations. You feel confused, frustrated, a little defeated, and at a loss for what you should do next.

If you’re like most people, your understanding of sales and marketing is that it works by persuading people to think that buying a product or service is the best decision they can make. You think if you show that your product or service has superior features to the competition and is a fair price, then customers will feel good about the decision and they’ll decide to buy. However, this persuasion-first, emotion-second approach to sales and marketing gets the process exactly backward.

Your marketing should directly target your customers’ feelings and experiences.

It’s your customers’ world; you’re just living in it.

People communicate, interact, and make decisions based on their experiences in the world. When a prospect interacts with your product or service, they care first and foremost about what you can do to benefit them.

In fact, there’s only one reason that anyone buys anything: because they feel deep in their gut that buying will solve their problems and make them feel better. When you understand what your customers feel and believe about their current situation and the changes they desire to experience, you can engineer your marketing and sales messages to help your customers decide for themselves to buy.

So, where do you start?

The Escape and Arrival Framework

It’s the Deksia mindset

Everyone has problems. How do we become aware of our problems? We experience symptoms that give us negative feelings. We try to explain those feelings by identifying the problem that causes them.

When we analyze the symptoms of the problem the customer faces, we can use that language and those insights to understand them better, and we can create informed sales and marketing messages that motivate them to buy.

For example, say your problem is that your dishwasher is broken. How do you know? Maybe it won’t turn on. Maybe after running your dishwasher, your dishes come out caked in heat-dried gunk, and now, frustrated, you have to waste more water, time, and energy on handwashing and drying every one of your dishes.

When you paint a picture or “story” with symptom language, your customer will feel like your business understands the issues they’re having. They’ll be motivated to at least look further into what your product or service has to offer.

Are You Ready to Create Powerful Brand Messages That Drive Results?

At Deksia, we dive deep to understand and map out exactly who your customers are, their problems, and the symptoms they experience that indicate those problems. We then craft and fine-tune emotionally packed messages that sympathize with the symptoms your customer’s experience.

We will step into your business as the a-la-carte marketing team you need. We will create powerful messaging that your marketing and sales team can utilize to communicate effectively with your target audience and finally turn prospects into customers.

Want even more information? We’ve got it!

Get your FREE Resources now!

Download the FREE Escape and Arrival Framework Worksheet.
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Download the FREE Escape and Arrival Framework concept guide.
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Download this FREE insert to understand how this concept specifically benefits companies running on EOS®.

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Looking for the other two keys?

Learn about the other two concepts for a full understanding of how to create marketing communications that work:

Necessary beliefs your audience must hold

Build a unified strategic plan that doesn’t rely on one-off tactics or success.

We believe that a thorough understanding of these three core areas and/or discussion of them within your team will have an instant effect on how you perceive marketing, especially the marketing that you are currently doing, and the way that you are attempting to communicate with your clients.

These packets will help cross sales and marketing efforts off of your “Issues List” and hit (or exceed) leads and sales goals.

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