One Idea Sells the Opportunity

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Learn the secret to selling your product or service.

Are you wasting your time and energy on unqualified inbound leads? You have all of the marketing tools, and you have calls coming in, but they’re mostly unqualified, and your sales are still not improving.

Now you’ve spent all of this time on marketing efforts that don’t work. In fact—they’re burdening your company even more as your salespeople now have to waste time and energy on dead-end calls when they should be making the most of every day by talking to prospects that fit your mold.

So how do you filter out the unwanted audience and hyper-focus on your perfect audience? By crafting clear and concise messages that target the exact type of people your business wants to work with, and by planting the right emotions that your customer needs to have to decide to do business with you.

Why do you decide to buy something?

In practice, most buying decisions are extremely simple. It boils down to this: emotions drive humans. Logical or not, we make decisions that we believe will make us feel better about ourselves and our lives.

However, before a customer can be motivated to buy your product or service, there are foundational beliefs that they must possess. When we can implant the right feelings and beliefs in the customer’s subconscious, they’ll make the decision themselves that they ought to buy.

Positive beliefs about how the world works and the place of your product or service within it replaces false beliefs and prepares your customers to receive your message directly promoting your product or service.

Not only can you use those beliefs in sales and marketing to encourage the right prospects to buy, but it also repels the wrong prospects, so you can stop wasting your time on unqualified leads.

This framework empowers you with knowledge and positioning that gives you a clear goal and outcome when you’re creating. Without this framework, you don’t have any logic or reasoning behind your marketing, or a way to analyze it.

Belief Fragments Must Coalesce

Every business needs to identify the necessary beliefs that prospects should obtain to be a customer. When you appeal to your customer’s beliefs, you can lead your customers to decide on their own to buy. Appealing to their beliefs means you also have to handle and overcome the objections, if you don’t, you won’t get them to take action.

That said, some ideas are more powerful than others.

Find ONE core idea that frames all the others and you’ll cause customer objections to fall by the wayside.

The Deksia Solution

Identifying your “One Thing”

Because of the digital world we live in, we are naturally resistant and numb to the barrage of advertisements that bombard us daily. We search for any reason to say no to your business. The key to implanting the right feelings and beliefs in your customer is by overcoming their objections and removing their ability to say no. Usually, there is an idea that is so powerful and big that as soon as the customer accepts it as true, it can knock down all objections and “prove” all benefits.

Every purchasing decision is made on universal beliefs. Establishing necessary beliefs weeds out the people who aren’t good customers and attracts the ones who are. For example, before a customer purchases ivory soap, they must believe that being clean is important. If they believe that being clean is important, then their objections will fall away and they’ll be motivated to buy.

Find that one idea, and sales and marketing will be the least of your concerns as customers flock to buy.

Here is the template we use to identify our clients’ One Thing:


“If I can prove that {new opportunity/unique mechanism} is/are the key to {what they desire most} and is only attainable through {my unique vehicle}, then all other objections will fall away, and my customer will be compelled to buy.”


Defining Your Unique Mechanism

Before you can identify your one thing, you first need to define your Unique Mechanism or New Opportunity: an idea that is new to the audience which summarizes what is new or different about your offer.

If the new idea is true, your benefits will make sense, and the objections won’t (because they’re rooted in old thinking).

Do You Have a Marketing Strategy for 2021?

At Deksia, we do this every day to help business owners like you reach their goals and meet (or even exceed) their ROI. Through our process, you can have a comprehensive marketing plan that focuses your energy to achieve your most important goals.

You can finally stop feeling the whiplash of wasted time and energy on scattered marketing efforts that don’t work and start solving your marketing problems.

Want even more information? We’ve got it!

Get your FREE Resources now!

Download the FREE Necessary Beliefs Worksheet.
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Download the FREE Necessary Beliefs concept guide.
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Download this FREE insert to understand how this concept specifically benefits companies running on EOS®.

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Looking for the other two keys?

Learn about the other two concepts for a full understanding of how to create marketing communications that work:

Understanding the escape and arrival framework

Build a unified strategic plan that doesn’t rely on one-off tactics or success.

We believe that a thorough understanding of these three core areas and/or discussion of them within your team will have an instant effect on how you perceive marketing, especially the marketing that you are currently doing, and the way that you are attempting to communicate with your clients.

These packets will help cross sales and marketing efforts off of your “Issues List” and hit (or exceed) leads and sales goals.

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